Expense tracker

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An expense tracker application with neural network tips about expense optimization and analyse. Created while studying at Zerocoder University.

Since this app is a personal tracker, it has only one role. In addition to standard functionality, the application integrates interaction with a neural network, which provides on-demand advices on expense optimization.

The application implements following functionality:

  • Entering, changing and deleting expenses for selected dates;
  • View a list of expenses for specific dates with ability to filter by expense categories;
  • Searching expenses;
  • Viewing expense analysis as a chart with breakdown by categories;
  • Receiving advices from a neural network (ChatGPT) on expense optimization.

Project type: educational
Project cost: 15 hours (with integration)

Tools: Glide, ChatGPT 3.5 API

Application: https://moneytracker.glide.page