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This is personal application for a psychologist, which is designed to make appointments by patients. In addition, application contains psychological articles on issues of interest to patients.

This project consists of two applications which works with one database: a mobile one for patients and a desktop one for a psychologist who manages the functionality of the mobile application and controls patient appointments.

Application has 2 roles: patient and administrator.

Following functionality is available for the patient on mobile application:

  • Registration;
  • Profile editing;
  • Viewing psychological articles with the ability to filter them by topic of interest;
  • Making an appointment for the chosen service at the chosen slot;
  • Viewing information about scheduled and past appointments with doctor’s recommendations.

Administrator’s main functionality on desktop application:

  • Patient account management;
  • Adding, deleting and editing psychological articles;
  • Editing the data of the main and auxiliary (“About me”) screens of the mobile application;
  • Managing patient appointments: adding, canceling, changing;
  • Making recommendations on the last appointment.

Project type: reputational
Project cost: 60 hours

Instruments: Adalo

Administrative interface: